Improving care for First Nations peoples with chronic conditions

Our CTG/ITC program delivered more than 30,500 services for over 630 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
The Closing the Gap (CTG)/Integrated Team Care (ITC) Program continues to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who live with chronic conditions across our region. The program provides one-on-one support to assist clients to self-manage their conditions and access the support they need.
Despite the pandemic impacting program delivery, the team continued to work towards preventing hospitalisations and increasing access to appropriate services. Although face-to-face appointments were affected, the team adapted their modalities to phone and web-based support, which was especially helpful for those living alone or in isolated situations.
The CTG ITC Program continues to operate from three sites and works at a local level by engaging broadly with community, health care providers, and Aboriginal organisations.
As part of our CTG ITC Program, Indigenous Health Project Officers provided 507 visits to general practice and community organisations, improving access to culturally appropriate and integrated primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
During 2021/2022, the CTG ITC program delivered more than 30,500 services for more than 630 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across our region.